因为作为非居民的外国人,很多网上的报税软件都不适用,而且很多软件也没有方便地将中美5000 Treaty作为抵税的一部分,所以还是得自己动手去IRS网站上下表格填好邮寄过去。作为外国人,要填的无非是1040NR表以及其附属的一些证明身份的表格。因为我除了毕业后上班也没有别的收入,所以就用简化版:1040NR-EZ。至于怎么填写1040NR-EZ,有两份指南必须要看,一个是IRS官方的1040NR-EZ Instructions,还有一个就是杜克大学中文的报税指南。前者是最详细的官方指南,里面附有每年缴税的基线什么的。后者则是给看不懂官方指南里专有学术名词的人的简易指南,非常实用。两个要结合着看。另外,要证明自己是non-resident,还得额外填下8843表,不过因为是F1,所以只需要填写Part 1 General Information和Part III Student部分就可以。填完后,把两张表打印出来,再加上自己的I20、EAD卡、护照首页和签证的复印件各一份寄给IRS就行,地址在官方指南里有。
I am a non-resident alien for tax purposes (I have been here for less than 5 calendar years) and am in (F-1) student status. I worked with (OPT) authorization at XXX company and while I worked there, they withheld Social Security taxes in the amount of $XX and Medicare taxes in the amount of $XX. According to IRS Pub. 519, I am not subjected to Social Security and Medicare taxes. I have attached a letter from my company stating that they would not refund the taxes to me. I have attached my visa status and work documentation to provide my eligibility to work in the United States. I request a total refund of $XXX.